

“You have to give to get, reach out to receive, sow to reap, faith to believe that all of the love that you’ve given away will come to you again someday.”


Visit to various homes in

Pune, India

Visit to Physically & Mentally challenged homes

Visit to Mother Teresa’s

Home of Love

Visit to Impact HK - Food distribution to street sleepers

Visit to handicapped homes

Visit to girl's home

Visit to Cow Farm in Amritsar,


Visit to Cow Farm

Visit to Cage homes

Visit to activity center for the underprivileged

Service in Philippines during


Senior Citizen's Lunch for the

Indian Community

Provision distribution to the


Monthly provisions delivery

to underpriviledged families

Gurudwara Seva

Grocery Distribution to Ethinic Minorities

Fund Raising Charity Bazaar

Food distribution to the


Food & Clothes Drive

Elderly lunch for Chinese

Mother's Day & Father's Day

Blood Donation

Domestic Helper's Lunch

Blanket Distribution

Old age homes